Arctic research planning – ICARP IV

What are the most urgent knowledge gaps, research priorities and needs for the Arctic for the next decade?

How do we address and implement these research priorities and needs over the next decade?

IASC is answering these questions in cooperation with many partners worldwide in a multi-year planning process for the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning – ICARP IV.
The ICARP IV process is a community-wide undertaking involving Arctic researchers, indigenous peoples, policy makers, Arctic residents and other stakeholders from around the world.

At the ICARP IV Conference / Arctic Science Summit Week 2025, March 25 – 28, 2025 in Boulder, Colorado, USA, the research priorities and their implementation plans will be presented and consultations on priorities and implementation will be held.

Implementation of the research priorities will be initiated in 2026.

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IASC seeks the engagement of Arctic researchers in the ICARP IV process!

Participating Arctic researchers from Germany can be found here.