AAA | Antarctic Astronomy and Astrophysics |
ACD | Arctic Coastal Dynamic |
ACE | Antarctic Climate Evolution |
ACIA | Arctic Climate Impact Assessment |
ADD | Antarctic Digital Database |
AGEANT | Age, Growth and Evolution of Antarctica |
AGONET | Antarctic Geospace Observatory Network |
AMANDA | Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detection Array |
ANDRILL | Antarctic Nearshore DRILLing |
ANDEEP | Antarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity |
ANTEC | Antarctic Neotectonics |
ANTIME | Late Quaternary Antarctic Sedimentary Record of Ice Margin Evolution |
ANTOSTRAT | Antarctic Off-shore Stratigraphy Programme |
APECS | Association of Polar Early Career Scientists |
APIS | Antarctic Pack Ice Seals |
APG | Antarctic Permafrost Group |
APTIC | Antarctic Peninsula Thermosphere-Ionosphere Coupling |
ASPeCt | Antarctic Sea-Ice Processes and Climate |
ASPA | Antarctic Specially Protected Area |
ASPeCT | Antarctic Sea Ice and Climate |
ASSW | Arctic Science Summit Week |
AT | Antarctic Treaty |
ATAC | Antarctic Tropospheric Aerosols and their role in climate |
ATCM | Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting |
ATS | Antarctic Treaty System |
BEDMAP | Antarctic Bedrock Mapping Project |
BFAFI | Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei (Federal Research Center for Fisheries) |
CASE | Cooperative Awards in Science and Engineering |
CASE 1 | Correlation of Alpine Structural Events (Spitzbergen 1993) |
CASE 2 | Correlation of Alpine Structural Events (NE Greenland 1994) |
CASE 3 | Circum Artic Structural Events (New Siberian Islands 1996) |
CCAMLR | Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources |
CEP | Committee for Environmental Protection |
COMNAP | Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes |
DWD | Deutscher Wetterdienst |
DROMLAN | Dronning Maud Land Air Network |
EASIZ | Ecology of the Antarctic Sea-Ice Zone |
ENVINET | European Network for Arctic-Alpine Multidisciplinary Environment Research |
EPB | European Polar Board |
EPICA | European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica |
ESF | European Science Foundation |
EUPLEX | European Polar Stratospheric Cloud and Lee Wave Experiment |
EVOLANTA | Evolution in Antarctica |
FARO | Forum on Arctic Research Operations |
FATE | 1. Functional Attributes in Terrestrial Ecosytems 2. Feedbacks and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems |
GANOVEX | German Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition (GANOVEX I – VII, since 1979/80) |
GIANT | Geodetic Infrastructure for Antarctica |
GOSEAC | Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation |
IASC | International Arctic Science Committee |
IBMANT | Interactions between the Magellan Region and the Antarctic |
ICARP | International Conference of Arctic Research Planning |
ICESTAR | Interhemispheric Conjugacy in Environmental, Solar-Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research |
IPY | International Polar Year |
ISAES | International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science |
ISIRA | International Scientific Investigations in the Russian Arctic |
ISMASS | Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level |
ITASE | International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition |
JCADM | Joint Committee on Antarctic Data Management |
MADREP | Middle Atmosphere Dynamics and Relativistic Electron Precipitation |
MAGICS | Mass Balance of Arctic Glaciers and Ice Sheets in relation to Climate and Sea Level Changes |
MAGMAP | Magnetic Anomaly Map |
NySMAC | Ny Ålesund Scientific Managers Committee |
OSL | Otto-Schmidt Laboratory for polar and marine research |
PICE | Palaeoenvironments from Ice Cores |
PASTA | Plateau Astronomy Site Testing in Antarctica |
PACA | Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere |
PICE | Paleoenvironment from Ice Cores |
POMOR | Cooperative Master degree for applied polar and marine sciences at Saint Petersburg State University |
PCMEGA | The Prince Charles Mountains Expedition of Germany – Australia 2002 – 2003 |
PURE | Polar Ural Expedition |
QUOBI | Quantitative Understanding of Ozone losses by Bipolar Investigations |
READER | Reference Antarctic Data for Environmental Research |
RiSCC | Regional Sensitivity to Climate Change in Antarctic Ecosystems |
SALE | Subglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration |
SCALOP | Standing Committee on Antarctic Logistics and Operations |
SCAR | Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research |
SPADA | Development of the SCAR Spatial Data Model for Exchange and Distributed Processing of *Spa*tial *D*ata of *A*ntarctica |
SPG | Scientific Programme Group |
SPPG | Scientific Programme Planning Groups |
SRP | Scientific Research Programmes |
SSG | Standing Scientific Group |
STEPS | Solar Terrestrial Processes and Space Weather |
TEA | Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic |
VALHALA | Vertical distribution of Aerosols at high Latitudes in both Hemispheres using Airborne Laboratories |
VISA | Validation, collection and interpretation of satellite data for the determination of magnetic field, gravity field, ice mass balance and crustal structure in Antarctica using airborne and ground-based measurements. |