Polar Acronyms

AAAAntarctic Astronomy and Astrophysics
ACDArctic Coastal Dynamic
ACEAntarctic Climate Evolution
ACIAArctic Climate Impact Assessment
ADDAntarctic Digital Database
AGEANTAge, Growth and Evolution of Antarctica
AGONETAntarctic Geospace Observatory Network
AMANDAAntarctic Muon And Neutrino Detection Array
ANDRILLAntarctic Nearshore DRILLing
ANDEEPAntarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity
ANTECAntarctic Neotectonics
ANTIMELate Quaternary Antarctic Sedimentary Record of Ice Margin Evolution
ANTOSTRATAntarctic Off-shore Stratigraphy Programme
APECSAssociation of Polar Early Career Scientists
APISAntarctic Pack Ice Seals
APGAntarctic Permafrost Group
APTICAntarctic Peninsula Thermosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
ASPeCtAntarctic Sea-Ice Processes and Climate
ASPAAntarctic Specially Protected Area
ASPeCTAntarctic Sea Ice and Climate
ASSWArctic Science Summit Week
ATAntarctic Treaty
ATACAntarctic Tropospheric Aerosols and their role in climate
ATCMAntarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
ATSAntarctic Treaty System
BEDMAPAntarctic Bedrock Mapping Project
BFAFIBundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei (Federal Research Center for Fisheries)
CASECooperative Awards in Science and Engineering
CASE 1Correlation of Alpine Structural Events (Spitzbergen 1993)
CASE 2Correlation of Alpine Structural Events (NE Greenland 1994)
CASE 3Circum Artic Structural Events (New Siberian Islands 1996)
CCAMLRCommission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
CEPCommittee for Environmental Protection
COMNAPCouncil of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes
DWDDeutscher Wetterdienst
DROMLANDronning Maud Land Air Network
EASIZEcology of the Antarctic Sea-Ice Zone
ENVINETEuropean Network for Arctic-Alpine Multidisciplinary Environment Research
EPBEuropean Polar Board
EPICAEuropean Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica
ESFEuropean Science Foundation
EUPLEXEuropean Polar Stratospheric Cloud and Lee Wave Experiment
EVOLANTAEvolution in Antarctica
FAROForum on Arctic Research Operations
FATE1. Functional Attributes in Terrestrial Ecosytems
2. Feedbacks and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems
GANOVEXGerman Antarctic North Victoria Land Expedition (GANOVEX I – VII, since 1979/80)
GIANTGeodetic Infrastructure for Antarctica
GOSEACGroup of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation
IASCInternational Arctic Science Committee
IBMANTInteractions between the Magellan Region and the Antarctic
ICARPInternational Conference of Arctic Research Planning
ICESTARInterhemispheric Conjugacy in Environmental, Solar-Terrestrial and Atmospheric Research
IPYInternational Polar Year
ISAESInternational Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science
ISIRAInternational Scientific Investigations in the Russian Arctic
ISMASSIce Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level
ITASEInternational Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition
JCADMJoint Committee on Antarctic Data Management
MADREPMiddle Atmosphere Dynamics and Relativistic Electron Precipitation
MAGICSMass Balance of Arctic Glaciers and Ice Sheets in relation to Climate and Sea Level Changes
MAGMAPMagnetic Anomaly Map
NySMACNy Ålesund Scientific Managers Committee
OSLOtto-Schmidt Laboratory for polar and marine research
PICEPalaeoenvironments from Ice Cores
PASTAPlateau Astronomy Site Testing in Antarctica
PACAPhysics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere
PICEPaleoenvironment from Ice Cores
POMORCooperative Master degree for applied polar and marine sciences at Saint Petersburg State University
PCMEGAThe Prince Charles Mountains Expedition of Germany – Australia 2002 – 2003
PUREPolar Ural Expedition
QUOBIQuantitative Understanding of Ozone losses by Bipolar Investigations
READERReference Antarctic Data for Environmental Research
RiSCCRegional Sensitivity to Climate Change in Antarctic Ecosystems
SALESubglacial Antarctic Lake Exploration
SCALOPStanding Committee on Antarctic Logistics and Operations
SCARScientific Committee on Antarctic Research
SPADADevelopment of the SCAR Spatial Data Model for Exchange and Distributed Processing of *Spa*tial *D*ata of *A*ntarctica
SPGScientific Programme Group
SPPGScientific Programme Planning Groups
SRPScientific Research Programmes
SSGStanding Scientific Group
STEPSSolar Terrestrial Processes and Space Weather
TEATeachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic
VALHALAVertical distribution of Aerosols at high Latitudes in both Hemispheres using Airborne Laboratories
VISAValidation, collection and interpretation of satellite data for the determination of magnetic field, gravity field, ice mass balance and crustal structure in Antarctica using airborne and ground-based measurements.